Network of interconnected spaces

The figures are truly chilling: Almost one billion Facebook users, more than 500 million Twitter users, 170 million Youtube users... Surely, many hundreds of thousands more before I finish writing this article. Speaking only of the main virtual communities in use, these figures are dizzying. Then we have to add others, also with millions of followers, such as LinkedIn, Flickr or Tuenti. It is clear that the future of any business or professional activity depends on the internet in all its forms. And those yet to come.

Advertising agencies are being forced to forget the usual aggressive campaigns to make way for intermediation between companies and their clients, the consumers. Something like a central community manager that responds to what the market demands. Now the customer is the one who proposes, debates and complains. Companies that are prepared for this virtual commercial battle will achieve viral marketing, which means new and better customers.

Professionals who dedicate their efforts to understanding the changes are transforming and thriving. Communication 2.0 - encompassing journalists, designers, programmers and virtual marketing specialists - has arrived to replace old ways that have given way to the need to interact and create links directly with customers. All through a network of interconnected spaces. That is where millions of consumers await. Agencies that develop digital entrepreneurship have a bright future.


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